Monday 6 December 2010

Contextual Studies, Assesment Task One: visual analysis

Visual analysis of ‘La Poupe’ and ‘Untitled Film Still’

Hans Bellmer’s ‘La Poupe’ is a very dark, disturbing image. I absolutely love the use of colour, or rather lack of it, all greys and blacks. The location, a wooded area, brings to mind fear, and parental warnings of danger. The composition is interesting, as it is almost entirely horizontal lines, which is quite calming or soothing in comparison to horizontal composition. The juxtaposition of the composition and subject is striking. The forefront of the image contains a repulsive image - a jointed doll with legs growing out of the top and bottom of the stomach, so there is no head. It has an element of voyeurism about it, the deformed doll figure to me represents a naked woman and slightly further back, a male figure stands half hidden behind a tree. Overall, to me the image represents the grotesque nature of voyeurism and pornography mixed with the unattainable nature and pull of a beautiful but very young girl. I think that the white ankle socks and shiny black dolly shoes are reminiscent of a child at primary school age, however the picture is undeniably sexualised. The fact the doll has no upper body or face to me represents the unattainable.
The second image is ‘Untitled Film Still’ by Cindy Sherman. This image also uses a jointed doll as the main subject, but the result is very different. The colour scheme of the image is very comforting, soft gold and blue. However, the doll, the main subject, is very frightening in terms of appearance. Her chest has been cut open to reveal another female head wedged in the cavity. For me this picture represents the feelings, emotions or secrets that we keep hidden inside us. A slightly science fiction theme to the picture, very similar to an eighties sci-fi movie. I think the use of a doll is to depict the lack of emotion, or disguising of inner feelings. Putting on ‘face’. The face trapped inside the dolls chest looks suffocated and trapped, the way we sometimes trap and suffocate our inner selves in order to achieve acceptance or to hide vulnerability. The viewer may even feel as if they are the one pushing the subject’s real inner self away, forcing them to conform.
I think both images have a definite controversy about them, challenging the expectations of those wishing to view women naked. I think it goes against the way of the world today, objectifying women. Men feel they have the right to view women in this way and I think these paintings spin that around and change the emotions that would be felt by those viewing a naked woman. The use of dolls prevents exploitation, and turns it on its head. I feel that the purpose of both pictures is to make the viewer squirm, to cause them to feel guilt, and remind them that it’s not acceptable to expect naked women to be attractive, with no other purpose.

Rachel Atulomah
tutor: Annabel
word count: 500

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